Initially we took a plane from Tongatapu to Eua.
This is our aircraft. 9 passangers 1 pilot-7 minute flight. It was quite the expierence. Chris was given the honor of being the co-pilot, while laura and I, being the smallest passangers, sat in the very back. It was the smoothest shortest flight i've had the pleasure to be on. Although I did panic slightly when we touched down in a field of coconut trees. But the landing was smooth.
The runway
The airport.
Here is our transport. This truck got us around the island on tours as well, which ended up getting stuck in the mud for a few hours at one point.
This is one view of the Hideaway, our accomodation for the week.
This is a view of the Hideaway from the deck.
The deck...most mornings you could see whales cresting on the horizon.
This is the view from the deck.
Our first day, Laura and I decided to walk the 30 minutes into town and do some exploring!
BP-world domination.
The church
the co-op where we were able to buy a few groceries.
The courthouse
The main intersection in town. I love how the signs just point in a general direction. If you are trying to anywhere its best to take a guide.
a group of school kids and a horse.
although the photos dont picture them, there were a few trucks that drove by and a few people walking around town. The weather was gorgeous! Each day was sunny and at least 75F. I loved the slow pace of the days on Eua. With all the basics met, shelter, water and meals- there just wasn't much else to worry about.
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