I did climb to the top of the hill as pictured here to take the first photo. The views were spectacular! Although it was a slightly overcast day, the water was the deepest shade of blue i've seen.
The water cresting shows where the Tasman and Pacific Oceans meet.
Along the way, we stopped at a Kauri forest. The Kauri trees are prevelant in the North island of New Zealand and can get up to 50 meters in height and 16 meters in girth. The morning we arrived was a very misty morning, which added to the abeyance of the forest. The Maori used the Kauri trees to craft canoes, ship masts and home building.
Its a jungle out there! Thankfully there aren't any preditorial animals to give us a fright!
Another pit stop at the sand dunes! This was such a thrilling experience! Once the bus stopped, Kayla and I were among the first to scramble up to the top of the dune. We started out at a run, then a jog, then a slow crawl as the incline kept increasing with the height. Once we looked down and saw the magnitude of what we had gotten ourselves into we just shook our heads and went for it. the only way down was on our stomachs on boogie boards. It felt like i was flying at 100mph! Luckily i made to the bottom with out wiping out! however the nail polish was rubbed off my toes and the knees of my jeans became worn out, but it was worth it!
The day ended with a long drive down 90mile beach. Driving down the beach is the best way to get out of town!
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