bouldering involves technical skill. It is similar to rock climbing, just take away the ropes. The objective is to manuvuer around boulders in various ways; either scaling the rock upwards or sideways. Sometimes, you just need to find a strangely shaped rock, like one that is extremely round. Then the fun begins. The thought process becomes, how can i scale this rock from this angle? or how can i scale the rock from only this side? Since the hand and foot holds are already in the rock, it can pose a bit of a challenge. Nevertheless, it provides endless of hours of entertainment and exercise for those involved!
I went on a bouldering trip with the Massey University Alpine Club. Instead of attempting to scale the boulders, i found myself captivated with the scenery! I did monkey around on the rocks, just in a more leisurely manner.
Although it is called Lynn Hill, it would be more aptly called a 'foothill'. A hill that precedes a mountain.
Here is Lynn Hill in all her glory! It should be noted that this photo is taken from about 1/3rd of the way up the hill. Can you see those two colored spots against the hill? Those are two gals making their way down! Also, although the trees and rocks appear tiny, when you hike up to them, they tend to tower above you!
It took a lot of effort to climb to the top of this hill! It is a bit more steep than it appears. Upon first glance, i figured it'd be no problem, but believe you me, I was huffing and puffing at the halfway point! I progressed throughout the day, and after 2 trips up and down the hill, i began to feel like a pro!
Here is the group making their way to the first spot!
Above is an example of bouldering.
As you can see, we are nearing the top of the hill! Next are some spectacular views!
I just couldn't resist climbing this tree! the roots are gnarly and the tree itself is growing almost completely sideways. It is epic!
Above is possibly the yellow-head mohoua, which is only found in New Zealand. It was a rare sighting of bird and luckily i had my camera ready! Birds don't exactly flock to a boulder covered hill!
It was a grand day!
I think it's cool how the "hills" are so green. It's just green everywhere! And what a great bird shot you got.
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